What am I trying to do with this little homepage? Well, I began coding when I was a kid... like, way back in the early days of the internet. Back then, the internet was full of creativity. Everybody had a homepage, and you could spend hours scrolling through everyone's pages. Inspiration abounded. I want my page to be everything I always wanted out of a personal website: loud, interactive, and unique.
I spent most of my time on internet forums dedicated to ToonTown, piczo, freewebs, blogspot, tumblr, xanga, buddy4u, myspace -- I was everywhere testing out my ability to code a div box. I'm an adult now, and I never really had much of a desire to get back into website design, let alone coding. I almost wanted to spite everyone I knew by not coding and refusing to learn anything new about coding. I'm both completely disillusioned by the modern internet, and I've also always admired the old internet and the people who strive to keep it alive, and I always told myself I just "didn't have the ability" to learn how to code again.
Well, here I am! I'm coding again... and it's a lot more efficient than it was back when I was a kid. Still a lot to learn, but I'm enjoying it!
I'm hoping to treat this website as a digital scrapbook of some sort, much like how most other webmasters and webmistresses do. I'm just starting out, so expect to see lots of changes!
Hi, my name is KKB! I'm the person behind this website! I live in a red brick city next to a big river (St Louis, Missouri, USA). I go by KKB online. I am a 90s kid through and through, and I'm a gemini. I have a handful of hobbies and interests. As of recent, I have been playing a lot of ToonTown Rewritten. I also shoot film photography, write poetry, and I love collecting fragrances (that I use ofc!!)
I've struggled with mental health conditions for my entire life. I am currently healing and in recovery from ARFID (Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder), an eating disorder. I have severe anxiety and a diagnosis of complex PTSD.
One of my greatest loves is music. I am always interested in discovering something new, and I'm always keeping my ears peeled for the unknown. I think I may create a shrine of my favorite music on here at some point... so stay tuned tbh.